homomorphisms of (pre)sheaves

DEFINITION 07.23   Let $\mathcal F_1$, $\mathcal F_2$ be presheaves of modules on a topological space $X$. Then we say that a sheaf homomorphism

$\displaystyle \varphi:\mathcal F_1 \to \mathcal F_2

is given if we are given a module homomorphism

$\displaystyle \varphi_U: \mathcal F_1(U) \to \mathcal F_2(U)

for each open set $U\subset X$ with the following property hold.
  1. For any open subsets $V,U \subset X$ such that $V\subset U$, we have

    $\displaystyle \rho_{V,U} \circ \varphi_U=\varphi_V\circ \rho_{V,U}.

(The property is also commonly referred to as “$\varphi$ commutes with restrictions”.)

DEFINITION 07.24   A homomorphism of sheaves is defined as a homomorphism of presheaves.