Let us define operators(matrices) acting on -dimensional vector space
be a polynomial ring of -variables over .
Then we have a faithful representation
of the Weyl algebra by putting
Furthermore, for any , we have by specialization the following representation of .
by putting
We recall also that
Here is another thing we need to know.
For any , we have
So the image contains . Since we know that generates as -algebra (Part I, Corollary 7.10) , we conclude that the map is surjective.
Now, both and is free -modules of rank . So the map is generically injective. (That means, if we take the quotient field of and consider
then by an elementary theorem in linear algebra, we see that it is an isomorphism.)
Since (a polynomial algebra over ) is an integral domain, is -torsion free. (That means,
is injective.)
So we see that is injective.