Research Interest:
Geometric Analysis
Partial Differential Equations
Eiji Onodera,
Local well-posedness for a fourth-order nonlinear dispersive system on the 1D torus.
to appear in Vietnam J. Math.
Eiji Onodera,
Local well-posedness of the initial value problem for a fourth-order nonlinear dispersive system on the real line.
Refereed Papers:
Eiji Onodera,
Structure of a Fourth-Order Dispersive Flow Equation Through the Generalized Hasimoto Transformation,
J. Geom. Anal.
34 (2024),
Article number: 347, 55pp.
Eiji Onodera,
Uniqueness of 1D Generalized Bi-Schrödinger Flow,
J. Geom. Anal.
32 (2022),
Article number: 47, 41pp.
Eiji Onodera and Haruka Yamasaki,
A fifth-order dispersive partial differential equation for curve flow on the sphere,
J. Math. Anal. Appl.
Paper No. 125297, 33pp.
Eiji Onodera,
Local existence of a fourth-order dispersive curve flow on locally Hermitian symmetric spaces and its application,
Differential Geom. Appl.
101560, 26 pp.
Masayuki Matsuoka, Eiji Onodera, Toshitsugu Kawakami, Kazutaka Takano, Yuzuru Kimura,
Approximate standard deviation for estimating the accuracy of the GNSS-derived plot area. (in Japanese)
Journal of the Japanese Forest Society
Eiji Onodera,
The initial value problem for a fourth-order
dispersive closed curve flow on the 2-sphere,
Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A.
Eiji Onodera,
A fourth-order dispersive flow equation for closed curves on compact Riemann surfaces,
J. Geom. Anal.
27 (2017),
Hiroyuki Chihara and Eiji Onodera,
A fourth-order dispersive flow into Kähler manifolds,
Z. Anal. Anwend.
34 (2015),
Eiji Onodera,
A curve flow on an almost Hermitian manifold evolved by a third order dispersive equation,
Funkcial. Ekvac.
55 (2012),
Eiji Onodera,
A remark on the global existence of a third order dispersive flow into
locally Hermitian symmetric spaces,
Comm. Partial Differential Equations
35 (2010),
Hiroyuki Chihara and Eiji Onodera,
A third order dispersive flow for closed curves into almost
Hermitian manifolds,
J. Funct. Anal.
257 (2009),
Eiji Onodera,
Generalized Hasimoto transform of one-dimensional dispersive flows into compact Riemann surfaces,
SIGMA Symmetry Integrability Geom. Methods Appl.
4 (2008),
article No. 044, 10 pages.
Eiji Onodera,
A third-order dispersive flow for closed curves into Kähler manifolds,
J. Geom. Anal.
18 (2008),
Eiji Onodera,
Bilinear estimates associated to the Schrödinger equation
with a nonelliptic principal part,
Z. Anal. Anwend.
27 (2008),