$\Lambda(A)$ for arbitrary commutative ring $A$

In the previous lecture we defined the ring structure on $\Lambda(A)$ for $A=\Omega$, a field of characteristic 0. Now we want to define the structure for arbitrary commutative ring $A$. Note that addition is already known:

$\displaystyle (f)_W+(g)_W=(fg)_W

We would like to know the product $(f)_W(g)_W$. Before doing that, we consider “universal” power serieses:

      $\displaystyle a(T)=1+a_1 T + a_2 T^2 +a_3 T^3+\dots,$
      $\displaystyle b(T)=1+b_1 T + b_2 T^2 +b_3 T^3+\dots,$

with $a_1,a_2,\dots, b_1, b_2,b_3,\dots$ be all independent variables. We need a fairly large field $\Omega$, namely,

$\displaystyle \Omega=\overline{\mathbb{Q}(a_1,a_2,\dots, b_1,b_2,\dots)},

the algebraic closure of an infinite trancendent extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. We find:

$\displaystyle (a(T))_W (b(T))_W=(m_{a,b}(T))W


$\displaystyle m_{a,b}(T)

with $m_{a,b;k} \in \Omega$.

We also see:

PROPOSITION 06.1   For any commutative ring $A$, $\Lambda(A)$ carries the structure of a ring.