For example, the proof we gave in Theorem , especially the part where we chose the idempotent , was a bit complicated.
Let us give another proof using the sheaf arguments. There exists a unique element which coincides with on and with 0 on . From the uniqueness we see that
holds since satisfies the same properties as . The rest of the proof is the same.
As a second easier example, we consider the following undergraduate problem.
Problem: Find the inverse of the matrix
A student may compute (using ``operations on rows'') as follows.
The calculation is valid on .
Another student may calculate (using ``operations on columns'') as follows.
The calculation is valid on . Of course, both calculations are valid on the intersection .
The gluing lemma asserts that the answer obtained individually is automatically an answer on the whole of . Of course, in this special case, there are lots of easier ways to tell that. But one may imagine this kind of thing is helpful when we deal with more complicated objects.